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Landscape Design, Installation and Maintenance

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Do You Need Landscaping During Winter?
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You with your favorite wooly socks, a cup of hot chocolate (with floaty marshmallows, of course), and watching the snow pile u………Wait, what?


According to the Farmer’s Almanac (and cousin Earl, who fancies himself an amateur weather-guesser), winter in the south for 2021 could be a mixed bag of ups and downs with temperatures and precipitation. So, you never know.


What to do then?


First, we need to remember that the lawns, trees, flowers – your landscape, is dormant, not dead.  While it needs the winter to rest and replenish, it still requires some care and maintenance. And as we’ve talked about in previous blogs, preparation now will lend itself to beautiful lawns (and less startup care) come springtime. With that, let’s focus on what needs to be done.


Pruning, Pulling, Mulching 


In our zone (8 or 9), the late winter to very early spring is the perfect time to do the vast majority of your pruning, because it allows the plant to be protected against incisions that cause plants to dry out, which happens if temps drop below freezing. Pruning should be done on dry days to ensure diseases aren’t introduced that could be waterborne.  This is also the time to pay attention to your plant’s shape and location of lower branches and to prune the plant in question according to the desired outcome.


Look at your flowerbeds and outside planters and yank out those annuals that have seen better days, and you’ll be closer to ready when it’s time to plant anew.


You can use this time to mulch around plants, especially those that are younger (i.e. saplings), or add wire mesh and burlap to protect them from frost or freezing temperatures.


Take a look at your Hardscape, too!


When you’re not having to worry about what to cut, grow, pull or plant, it’s a good time to look at your more permanent structures (hardscapes) and see if you can move, remove, add or change locations or styles.  Things like benches, hanging pots, trellises, and so forth, are easy to get lost in the spring and summer if there is overgrowth or other elements pulling your eye away.  But, like grandpa in a union suit, winter reveals all! Take a look around to ensure you are happy with your design, and if not, consider changing elements to new locations.


You can also dress up your planters, pots and other hardscapes with winter features such as wreaths, pine boughs, ornaments, and on and on.


Is that It?


Not by a long shot. Part of landscaping concerns the tools you use. Some good tips to keep in mind:


  • Drain your mower’s gas and oil.  Most experts agree that just adding a fuel stabilizer is not good enough.  Older gas will gunk up carburetors, clog fuel lines, and potentially damage other parts.  Oil, which can do similar damage, should also be removed from your mowers.


  • Drain your sprinkler systems. Find your main valve and ensure it is completely shut off.  Then you should wrap it with insulation or even use just a plastic bag sufficiently wrapped around the valve and then duct-taped to withstand the winter months.  If you have drain valves for your lawn zones, open them to release any standing water. And don’t forget to shut off your automatic timers!


  • Sharpen your tools.  Get out those pruning shears, shovels (yes, shovels), tree or pole saws, and so on, and put ‘em on your bench and get busy, or find a local tool sharpener and you’ll be ready once pruning or planting season begins.


Need Advice?


Krob Landscape has been through a winter or two (or three, or…ahem), knows the land well, and so are happy to impart our love for our area and its winter requirements with you.  We are experts in maintenance, removal, design and installation of all things landscape, whether commercial or residential and will listen to your needs and then help to either build a plan or a quote to provide any necessary services we offer to keep your landscape the example of beauty.

We are grateful for your business with us, thankful for your continued trust in us and know this season of giving lets us give you the best advice and ideas to keep your trust.  

We hope to see you soon and wish y’all Happy Holidays!

How to Prepare Your Lawn for Winter
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Soon it will be time for Turkey Trots, turkey basting and for the woodsy types, turkey chasing.  But before you get all up into who ate the last piece of Thanksgiving pie, consider your grass.  That’s right, before it goes into hibernation, your lawn deserves some final touches to make it ready for a wintery nap.


All I Need is the Air That I Breathe


Before the weather outside gets frightful

And the fire feels so delightful

Prior to the first frosty blast

Make sure to aerate your grass


This fun jingle above is a reminder to all homeowners and caretakers: before the first frost of the season, aerate your lawns. Why? Like us, grass needs a little breathing room, and aerating also helps with the inevitable crowding that happens over the course of the warmer months.  Plus, you will want to fertilize and by opening the soil a bit, this helps the grass store those needed nutrients it will need later on.  And when it “springs” back to action, your grass will come up healthier and lusher!


Weed, Seed and Feed


Typically, the fall season brings about good conditions in which to work your lawn. Using either a good weeding tool or by hand, remove anything you identify as a weed. A broadleaf herbicide will also do the trick (make sure it’s labeled “selective”, as these should not harm your grasses). Also, remember it’s best to spot-apply the herbicide rather than treating the entire lawn.


The soil will generally be softer and moister (easier to work), especially with all the rain we’ve had this year!  So, using a good, stiff garden rake, scratch the top layer of your soil; use a good seed (see last month’s blog to find out more about seed selection); generously spread - highlighting bare spots; then finish with a covering of straw to keep birds from treating your hard work as an invitation to eat.


You can also fertilize with compost or commercial material found at most home centers or nurseries.  And lastly, keep the seeded areas well-watered until you see new growth.


Raking and Piling that which Falls


It can bring a smile to watch your kids, the neighbor’s kids, or your pup jump in a leaf pile, despite the work that goes into creating that pile of fun.  But leave them too long, and your lawn will not find it funny.  Piles of grass or leaves not meant for compost can prevent sunlight from reaching the grass underneath, hurting growth.  Leaves or grass left on your lawn can cause weakness in the grass or the onset of winter diseases.  The same can be said for that heap of joy causing mold by trapping moisture that can’t naturally evaporate.  Take the time to remove the leaves and grass, and your lawn will thank you for it next year.


Questions? Advice? Help?


We at Krob are more than a full-service residential or commercial landscaping company, with a desire to help you with your design, maintenance or installation needs. We are your neighbor.  And we care about our community and those we serve with our knowledge and expertise. Come by and see us, or give us a call if you have questions about your lawn, your garden, or if you just have general landscaping questions or concerns.  We’re here to help.  


See you soon, neighbor!

Krob Can Help Maintain Your Lawn Health
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That Doggone Grass!


Author and Naturist Hel Borland once said, “Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence“. 


If there’s one thing most any homeowner or caretaker of a yard knows, it’s that grass loves to grow, and grow, and grow. It will lend itself to growing in cracks of concrete, on trees, heck, even in between house siding! But sometimes, that tenacious grass doesn’t look like we want: lush green is more like not-so-lush brown.  And when it’s like that, lying on a beautiful lawn at night to watch the stars, instead feels you’re lying on a bed of nails while performing a circus act. No thanks!


Where to Start?


One of the first things to consider if you are going to start a lawn, or attempt to recover or further a lawn, is what growing zone you and your lawn are in.  For most of us along the Gulf Coast, it is Zone 8 (some say 9, but an 8 ½ is probably more realistic).  


Once you have that knowledge, now your search for the right seed or products to support seeding can begin.  Yes, believe it or not, there are actually recommendations for which grass to grow according to where you (and your lawn) reside!


When to Start?


Okay, so you know the zone, now comes buying the seed.  I mean, after all, the seed is seed, right?  Wrong!  Are you seriously going to buy a house without taking a walk-through first? Aren’t you curious to know if there are any problems lurking before you sign documents?  Well, guess what, grass selection requires the same diligence!


You want to read the contents of whatever container you are considering to find out about percentages of weed seed (less the weeds, better the seeds), drought tolerance, disease and insect resistance.  


Now, remember talking about zones? Yeah, here’s where that comes in handy.  Knowing the zone helps to know which variety of grass to purchase because there are cool-season grasses and warm-season grasses. There’s Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, centipede, ryegrass, and so on. (A Krob tip: stay away from annual ryegrass – it’s only good for the year!). And within genus grass types, sub-types exist.  Uh-huh, that’s right.  Fescues can be creeping red, chewing, or sheep, to name a fescue – oops, I mean to name a few!


That It?


Ahh - you’ve spread, sown, scattered, or downright chunked the seed, and now it’s time to prop up your feet, grab a nice tall glass of sweet tea and watch that grass fixin’ to sprout.  Sorry, but there’s oh so much more.  Mulching, fertilizing, watering, and keeping pesky neighbors off the lawn are also a requirement if you want that ‘Yard of the Month’ lawn.  


So, just like shopping for a house or a Washer Dryer set, educating yourself on what you are buying will save you lots of trouble (weeding, dying grass) later on.


Krob Can Help!


Do you want more porch sitting and less mowing? Call us! We provide complete and total lawn care and maintenance.  We can help you navigate the outdoor lawn and garden centers to find the right and proper material you need if you decide to go it alone.  Or, we will work with you on developing a comprehensive plan to bring your lawn to a place of enjoyment.  


Truth is, grass produces oxygen (and 2,500 sq. ft. lawn can provide enough oxygen for a family of 4 – unless y’all are football players, then it might only be 2!), helps filter the quality of the air we breathe, can help cool a house, provide erosion control, and other benefits.  So, with all that grass provides us, shouldn’t we care all we can about our lawns?  And the best place to get advice, get a plan, or get it done for you, is right here with the lawn experts – Krob Landscape!

Preparing and Protecting Your Home during Hurricane Season
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What Is Known


If you live near or are visiting the Gulf Coast area, you should know hurricane season around here is now.  More specifically, hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 30th - September being the most active month, with the climatological peak happening around the 10th of September (that’s climate geek-speak for statistically the most likely day to find storm activity in the Atlantic Basin).


Hurricanes are caused by a lack of wind shear combined with warm water, a mishmash of evaporation, higher winds and other phenomena that, mixed together, create the potential for destructive weather.


Our big storm from last year, Hurricane Sally, produced over 3 million cubic yards of debris – more than Ivan did ten years previously, at an estimated damage value of $5-7 Billion! Almost no one was immune to some sort of landscape loss.


Predicting is not Preparing


We are all aware of the weather changes along the Gulf Coast as fast as all get out, and during these summer months when we’re not preoccupied with pools and beaches or praying for football, we’re watching or listening to the latest news for rain, humidity – and hurricanes. But paying attention to weather patterns in the form of cones or cooked spaghetti and making decisions based on predictions can be a recipe for disaster.


When it looks as though we may be in the path, even early on, it’s time to review things like food, water, fuel, an alternate means of power (i.e. batteries, generators), and your or your family’s evacuation plan.  What is too often overlooked, however, is preparing the outside of your home, to include your landscaping.


But preparing also means thinking of hurricanes BEFORE you plant! Tree locations, for example, should be carefully considered, like proximity to a structure can be the difference between windows being replaced or surviving the storm. 


Give us a call when you are looking at design, and our experts will help you consider the possibilities to get the maximum appeal from your trees as well as help determine practical locations to minimize storm damage. 


Prevent Pots & Plants Being Projectiles


When getting prepared for the impending storm, think beyond just the rain. There’s the potential for high winds, flooding, flying debris, and so on.  Wrap larger plants in a heavier burlap tied with rather robust string, rope or bungees.  Build a canopy around garden plants, wrapping them if possible.


In the case of storm prepping, look at your beautiful design of potted plants, not as the work it will take to piece it back together once it passes, but the projectile you may have sitting close to your vehicles, homes or other out-buildings.  Move the pots to a more protected area, such as under the cover of a garage or carport.  If they are sensitive or delicate plantings, bring them inside temporarily.


Planning is Prevailing


You’ve taken all these steps or some form thereof, and now you’re ready, right?  Not so fast.  What about your gutters?  They need to be cleaned out.


Take another look at your trees to ensure there aren’t more limbs to take out, palm fronds to pull down or cut, or pieces already on the ground.  Think about pruning to create some better openings for the wind to pass through.


And once the storm has passed, there is the cleanup involved.  Heavy limbs, upturned sod or garden patches, etc., all need to be addressed as quickly as possible.


One thing to remember: take pictures and document ALL of your damage.  Landscaping included!


Now What?


The aftermath of any devastating storm can at times be overwhelming, but with a post plan in mind, the days ahead need not be quite so daunting.  When steps are taken before the storm, it can make a big difference when it is deemed safe to venture out and survey what you are facing.  


But you are not alone.  Krob can help, both before and after.  We will help with design to potentially reduce plant loss to a storm. And we clean gutters, do clearing of debris, can blow off roofs, and so on. 


Krob knows hurricanes, so give us a call or come see us today!

Reasons Commercial Landscape is a Must for your Business
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Curb Appeal Attracts Customers

A recent survey of a southern community found that 74% of the public will frequent businesses based on landscaping, including parking lots and areas in front and around your building.  

You can stand out amongst your competitors with thoughtful and tasteful design, installation and maintenance of the outside spaces surrounding your business. 

More than owners think, consumers will pull into a parking lot, only to pull away if the business looks unkempt or uncared for, even without knowing anything else! Point is, make your curb appeal, appealing.


Focus On Your Business

The world seems to be spinning faster and faster each day, with little signs of ever slowing down.  And that spin requires more of your time to be dedicated to the success of your business – meaning less time for those pesky tasks which nevertheless affect your bottom line.  

Like the landscaping. By partnering with Krob, we’ll take the stress out of “just another thing to do” for you. We listen, suggest, then we’ll implement our shared vision of what you want for your customers, for your company.  

Let us do our business, so you can do your business.


Landscape Companies Have the Proper Tools

Nothing is more aggravating than needing the right tool for whatever task you are wishing to accomplish.  And just as the right wrench, ladder or software can save time for either the DIYer or business owner, so can having the right landscaping tools.  

Problem is, good landscaping requires much more than just a garden rake or shovel of some kind. Garden tools, fertilizer, ladders, trash removal material and so on, not only make the job easier, they can make the difference between “eh” and “wow!”  However, the investment can be significant if you want to do it yourself.  

But Krob relieves you of having specific tools, and of keeping a schedule to maintain your yard or lawn.  We also use premium tools and material, meaning your landscape is not only done well, and on time, it’s done with quality results.


Think Safety

Trees are your thing, so you’d like to incorporate them into your design.  Gardens add to the overall pleasing effect of your business, and you’d prefer a natural-looking area surrounding your location.

But with trees come limbs, branches or sticks, and so does the opportunity for them to fall where and when they shouldn’t, and often when you least expect or realize it.  Nature is a wonderful thing, but pests love it, too.  

Krob’s professionals can spot and properly care for trees before they are a liability, and are trained to spot potential pest control problems so that your landscape is maintained not only aesthetically, but with safety in mind as well.


Lower Your Energy Bills

That’s right, lower them.  By selectively planting well-placed trees and shrubs, you can provide shade to your place of business, and help reduce heat absorption, which in turn lowers air conditioning requirements.  Shrubs protect from heat against your building’s walls and windows, while trees can help with taller structures.

Krob will help select the ideal spots, and their expertise ensures your building is protected against both erosion and water saturation, by allowing wind flow and drainage away.  Smart! 


Be A Community Leader

Your street, your block, your neighborhood.  The poet Alexander Smith once said, “A man doesn't plant a tree for himself. He plants it for posterity.” When you care about how you look, others take notice.  

And when they care, the seed is planted for everyone to care about, now, and in the future.  Your commercial landscape means more than just beautifying your immediate spaces, it means you believe in bringing others around you up.  

We at Krob believe in working with businesses to develop comprehensive yet elegant landscapes and are committed to helping you succeed by creating a pleasing and carefully planned design. 

Let Krob partner with you to increase value and save time while beautifying the world around you and your business.  Call us for a quote today!

Everything You Need to Know About Krob Landscape’s Lawn Management
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If managing your lawn is driving you to madness, you’re not alone. A lush carpet of vibrant green grass will certainly boost your curb appeal, but keeping it that way can be a real drain on your time and energy (not to mention your wallet).


The good news is, you don’t have to mow the months away. Hiring a lawn management service like Krob Landscape can give you the best of both worlds: a lush, healthy lawn and the time you need to enjoy it. 


If handing over your lawn management hasn’t crossed your mind, here’s everything you need to know about Krob Landscape’s Lawn Management.  




Believe it or not, mowing isn’t only about the way your lawn looks. A proper mow actually keeps your lawn healthy and resistant to problems, which helps it stay spectacular for seasons to come. 


At Krob Landscape, we provide a masterful mow each and every time. Our professionals know the optimal height for your turf type and use specialized mowing equipment to keep your lawn nice and neat (so no more hours spent sharpening your mower blades). We even offer customizable schedules to provide personal service all season long. 




If you’re tired of spending hours hacking at your hedges, Krob Landscape has the solution you’ve been searching for. Our professional landscape staff knows how - and when - to prune your hedges to keep them square in shape (or any other shape you desire). After giving your hedges a happy trim, we’ll clean up the clippings to leave your landscape in clean and perfect condition. 




Edging looks excellent, but it takes the right tools and extra time many homeowners don’t have. Luckily, Krob Landscape has the skills and the service to give your entire lawn a crisp, clean look. Our specialists know how to shape up any edge, from garden beds to sidewalks to driveways and more. 


Lawn Blowing


After a good mow, discarded lawn debris can leave your landscape with a less-than-desirable look - and hours of clean-up time. Luckily, Krob Landscaping can handle both without handing you any additional stress. Our team uses professional-grade blowers to rid your driveway, deck, and any other hard surfaces of unsightly lawn clippings for a clean, polished landscape. 


Fertilizing and Pre/Post Emergents


If you’ve ever gotten frazzled in the fertilizer aisle, you’re not alone. There are so many choices in chemical landscape products, and the wrong one may harm more than help the health of your lawn.


The good news is, there’s an easier way. Krob Landscape has a team of expert lawn professionals that know which fertilizers to apply - and which ones to avoid - for a lush, healthy lawn. We can even take the worry out of weeds with pre- and post-emergents that prevent and protect your lawn from unwanted invaders.  




A layer of mulch can help you make the most out of your landscape. Beyond keeping your plants in prime condition, a perfectly paired mulch can add a pop of sophistication to your overall landscape look.


However, making the most out of mulch isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Too much mulch can suffocate your soil, while too little leaves the root systems exposed. Mulch also comes in a variety of styles and sizes that each bring unique pros and cons to your plants. 


Krob Landscape can take the madness out of mulching by helping you choose the right form and applying it in the right places for maximum benefit to your plants. With seasonal service, we’ll even maintain your mulch at optimal levels month after month for a magnificent look all year long. 


Personal Lawn Programs


Your lawn is special - and your lawn care should be, too. Krob Landscape offers residential lawn management (RLM) programs that are completely customizable, from personal services to tailored schedules for every season. If you’re ready to love your lawn again, contact us today! 

The Best Times To Mulch Your Beds
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When is the best time to mulch your beds? Even landscape enthusiasts find themselves
asking this common question. Mulching is one of the best things you can do to preserve the
health and beauty of your landscape - if you add it at the right time. Add your mulch too early or
too late and you may get the blanket with none of the benefits.

The good news is, taking stock of your beds, your goals, and the weather can help you find just
the right time. In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know to decide the best
time to mulch your beds.

Why Mulch Matters

When it comes to mulching, the why is just as important as the when. While mulching certainly
helps your landscape maintain a polished appearance all year long, it also has some key
benefits that explain why some times are better for mulching than others. The benefits of mulch

Weed Control. Mulch acts as a natural weed suppressant because it blocks sunlight from
reaching the soil, smothering any weeds that are trying to germinate and grow. It also prevents
any loose weed seeds that are blown into your beds from reaching the soil below.

Fertilization. Organic mulch such as pine straw, leaves, and grass clippings break down over
time and naturally fertilize your bed soil, leading to improved plant growth.

Stable Soil Temperature. Applying a layer of mulch on top of your soil helps it maintain a
stable temperature in extreme heat or cold. It also protects the roots of your plants, which
typically extend only an inch or two into the topsoil.

Maintains Soil Moisture. Heat and wind cause the moisture in your soil to quickly evaporate.
As temperatures rise, adding a layer of mulch holds moisture in the soil, cutting back on how
often you need to water your beds.

When To Mulch

So you need to add mulch to your beds. When is the best time?
In general, the best time to add mulch to your beds is in mid to late spring. This will help your
landscape with weed control, protect your soil from the summer sun, and create a contrasting
look against your vibrant spring plants.

Ideally, you want to mulch after soil temperatures have warmed but before weeds have the
chance to sprout in your beds. Mulching too early in the season can prevent your soil from
thawing and delay your seasonal blooms.

Many gardeners also add a layer of mulch to their beds in the fall. Fall mulching insulates the
soil and protects it from the extreme cold of the winter season. Fall mulch will also begin to
degrade by early spring, delivering a powerful dose of nutrients that can help your spring plants

If you can’t make time to mulch, let the professionals at Krob Landscaping handle it for you! Our
expert landscapers will use the right products at the right time to help you get the most out of
your mulch. Contact us today!

How To Help Your Landscape Spring into a Weed-Free Season
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Spring is in sight, bringing with it warmer temperatures, gentle breezes, and vibrant new growth. It would be great if that growth was limited to lush lawns and fantastic flowers, but unfortunately, the season also brings a much less welcome guest: spring weeds.

The good news is, being proactive can help your lawn and landscape stay healthy and free of weeds all season (and year) long. In the days and weeks before spring’s arrival, complete these two easy steps to help your landscape SPRING into a weed-free season.

Use Pre-Emergents

We all know the bliss of spring’s warmer temperatures after months of winter cold. What you may not know is that the soil underneath your lawn warms long before you can feel the change in the air. This means waiting until spring weather begins to tackle weed growth is much too late - weeds have already started to germinate underground.

That’s why using pre-emergents is so important. Pre-emergents contain a mix of fertilizers and herbicides that are designed to prevent pesky weeds like crabgrass and clover from sprouting in the spring. Once applied and watered, pre-emergents will form a protective barrier that kills weeds as they attempt to germinate and grow.

Timing is key if you want to get the most from your pre-emergents. You want to apply them in the last few weeks of winter before the soil has a chance to warm, or ideally from late February to Mid-March. Although it may seem otherwise, pre-emergents are not effective at killing weeds that are already there - once they sprout from the ground, you’ll need harsher weed killers to handle them.

Lay Fresh Pine Straw

Pine straw is a tough multi-tasker - it conserves soil moisture and temperature, acts as a natural mulch, and deters weed growth, all while helping your flower beds and landscape look great.
Pine straw is a great addition to your landscape year-round, and now is one of the best times to lay a fresh batch. Like pre-emergents, pine straw works best to deter spring weeds before they begin growing. That’s because it prevents weeds by blocking seeds access to bare ground, and then deprives any new seedlings of sunlight so they can’t germinate.

As a bonus, a pre-spring application of fresh straw will also protect the growth of new plants! Spring bulbs like tulips and daffodils can easily penetrate pine straw if it’s already there, but their delicate blooms are easily trampled by new straw. You’ll want to get it applied and spread before they begin to grow to guarantee beautiful spring beds.

Contact Krob Landscape!

If you’d prefer to save your time for smelling the spring flowers, ask about our residential maintenance programs! From seasonal bed changes to weed control and lawn care, our expert team can keep your landscape happy and healthy through spring and beyond. Contact us today!

Why You Should Mulch Your Leaves Instead of Raking Them
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We all love those big and beautiful shade trees that turn such brilliant colors in the fall - until they drop into a time-consuming carpet on your lawn. Then you’re forced to spend your autumn days raking, bagging, and dragging piles of dead leaves off your grass when all you really want to do is sip your apple cider in peace.

Believe it or not, there’s a better way: mulching them. An easy ride on a mulching mower turns those fallen leaves into a free fertilizer that boosts your lawn, helps the environment, and saves you hours of time and effort.

If you need more convincing, here’s why you should mulch your leaves instead of raking them:

You’ll save time and effort. Raking, bagging, and hauling your leaves is a grueling task that can take hours out of your day. In contrast, mulching leaves is no harder than mowing your lawn - and takes the same amount of time. Now you can spend your autumn days gazing at that beautiful fall foliage instead of removing it!

You’ll save money.  While you may need to buy a mulching blade for your mower, mulching your leaves each year will save you money in the long run. That’s because you won’t need to buy industrial-strength garbage bags, pay for debris collection, or spend money on a store-bought fertilizer. Not to mention all the dollars you’ll save on doctor visits for a bum back!

You’ll naturally fertilize your lawn. Leaves contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, all critical elements of lawn fertilizer. As mulched leaves decompose they release these beneficial nutrients into the soil, helping it retain moisture and balance soil chemistry. They also act as a free-for-all buffet for earthworms and microorganisms, which turn them into even more beneficial nutrients for your lawn. In other words, you’ve been throwing away bags of free fertilizer for years!

You’ll suppress weeds. Bare areas of lawn are perfect for weed germination. When you cover them with a layer of mulched leaves, you protect the root system and work with the lawn canopy to prevent pesky weeds from forming.

You’ll help the environment. By mulching your leaves, you ensure they don’t end up taking landfill space or releasing harmful chemicals into nearby waterways. They also serve as a protective habitat for local wildlife like birds, reptiles, and amphibians, which make sure your landscape has a balanced (and insect-free) ecosystem.

How to Mulch Your Leaves

Mulching leaves is unbelievably easy. Simply remove your grass catcher and mow over the leaves until they’re reduced to dime-size pieces. To avoid smothering your lawn, mow until you can see about a half inch of grass underneath the new layer. You may need to spread the mulch around or move it to nearby flower beds for even distribution.

Of course, the easiest way is to let the experts at Krob Landscape handle the mulching for you! Contact us today to learn how our residential maintenance services can handle everything from leaf removal to seasonal tree pruning and more.

When to Know it's Time for a Landscape Redesign
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When to know it’s Time for a Landscape Redesign

With the seasons changing, many homeowners and businesses are curious when they should redesign their landscaping. While there is no wrong time to redesign, there are a few guidelines to follow to ensure you’re getting the most out of your time, money and effort. Krob Landscape takes the guesswork out of the equation!

While it can be tempting to DIY your landscape, it is a delicate process that needs frequent upkeep. This can become daunting when trying to balance the obligations of everyday life. We highly recommend leaving this process in the hands of the professionals.

Transitional Seasons

Fall is one of the most ideal times to redesign your landscape. The weather places less stress on plants than the droughts and uncertain weather patterns of summer. Planting during the fall allows landscaping elements to cultivate a strong root structure, making the plants prepared to endure heat and lack of water the following summer and decrease the chance of dying due to disease or pests.

Your Outdoor Space is Outdated

Like all elements of design, styles come and go. Something that was textbook chic 10 years ago could be considered an eyesore today. If it’s been at least over 8 years since a redesign, you should definitely consider one.

Your Space is not Being Efficiently Utilized

Maximum efficiency should always be a priority. If you have the space, why not use it to its full potential? Talk to a residential landscape design professional to help map out a design that makes the most sense for your space.

You Avoid Looking at your Yard

Do you find yourself ignoring your yard altogether when entering your home? You’re not alone. Landscaping can become an overwhelming process when unattended for a long period of time. Mapping out a redesign can be an empowering process for getting your yard back on track.

Ready to let the professionals at Krob Landscaping handle your residential landscape redesign? Contact us today!

Providing Complete Landscaping Services in Mobile County, Baldwin County, Spanish Fort, Daphne, Fairhope, Silverhill, Foley, Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, Pensacola, the Florida Panhandle & Surrounding Areas

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